Warmth of the amber sun manifests downward upon a field of
shredded gold and chipped emeralds.
Pastel pigments paint the cotton spread sky,
eyes shimmer in reflection, stunned in admiration.
Caressing winds deposit ripples onto the glistening glaze of liquefied diamonds,
cupped by palms of earth that surrounds it.
Wind chimes resonate charming melodies from behind inner ears.
Gale whisking through supple hair and skimming across flushed cheeks.
Arms stretch back as the body begins to lay at rest on the landscape lawn.
Mind once blocked by the brick walls of human society,
now as opened as a jubilant smile.
Susurrus of the trees soothe every inter being within,
causing hued eyes to close unwillingly.
Forever dreaming of sleeping,
in a peacefully placed paradise.
Sweet Serenity